You’ve decided, you’re going to move and finally build your dream home. While there are numerous steps in the new construction building process, the very first and one of the most critical steps is “Choosing a Lot for Your New Home.” There are several key factors that you need to consider when choosing the lot that is right for you, including its utilities availability.

Utilities Availability

Lots located in a developed area probably have basic utilities established for that parcel. However, if the lot is in a more rural area, utility availability will have to be researched.  The lot should have either an address or a parcel number with GPS coordinates, and either information that will help research whether there is utility availability.  For water and sewer information, contact the county’s Planning and Zoning Department or Building Department to see if the lot is served by the public system. In Brunswick County, North Carolina, contact Brunswick County Utilities.  In addition, if water is not provided by the city, the lot will require a well and if city sewage is not provided a septic system will have to be approved and installed. The approval process is generally handled by the building contractor as one of the initial steps in the new construction building process. 

For power, contact the local power company to see if they serve the lot as well as have power lines on the road near the lot. If there is no service, a second power company may be serving the area. In Brunswick County, North Carolina, contact Duke Energy Progress or Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation.